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Mr. C.M. (Catherine) Jakimowicz (1974)

Partner and lawyer sinds 2000

Catherine has been a lawyer since 2000. She is co-founder and partner of SteensmaEven.

Catherine specializes in privacy law. She has gained a lot of experience in the financial sector. She has supervised extensive international projects in the field of privacy law. Catherine has worked for ABN AMRO Bank on a secondment basis for more than 7 years. She helped with legal, risk and compliance related projects. Catherine regularly litigates, for example, on the right of access and BKR registrations.

Catherine provides postgraduate education, including at the Grotius Academy, PALA and PAO Leiden. She regularly gives lectures on various privacy-related topics, including the processing by employers of employees’ personal data.

Catherine publishes regularly. She is an annotator at the JAR in the field of privacy law and is (co) author of the book ‘Tekstuitgave Privacyverordening’.

Catherine is the founder and board member of the Privacy Law Association (VPR) and the Privacy Law Lawyers Association (VPR-A). She is a member of the College of Delegates of the Bar Association.


Catherine Jakimowicz has registered ICT-law as a jurisdiction in the register of the Dutch Bar Association.

Based on this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.